Beer, Baseball, Beef – Life is Good

Baseball.  National sport of Japan.


But trust us when we say that 8 out of 10 Japanese people love this game. And the kids – when they become adults, they just upgrade their love to golf. #airgolf #youthinkyouknewjapan

Well, we have never been to a baseball game and as luck would have it, one of us got free tickets for a Chiba Marines vs. Saitama Lions game. It’s summer. It’s the season. And we knew we totally shouldn’t miss this chance.

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Zozo Marine Stadium, situated near Kaihin Makuhari station in Chiba.  It houses many big events and is home to the Marines team (Chiba’s baseball team). Their mascot, Mar-kun, is a little sporty duck.
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What a great day!!! Overcast and windy but that’s how we like our days – gloomy af. So we can be the happy ones.
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Families and friends, here to support their favourite teams. Note: Staff goes around and helps you with directions. They also offer to take pictures for you. Japanese hospitality at its best!


Since we are in home ground, they have got lots of fan service going on!
Since we were in home ground, they got lots of fan service going on! They were giving out free white straw hats for free. At first we’re like, nah it’s fine but eventually gave in to the joy of being in uniform with everyone else! Yay!
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Find your favourite player’s hand print! “Monster hands!” — Archer (Favorite animation, atm)

Baseball games in Japan are like mini festivals, similar to football (rugby) games in the US. Stadiums are filled with people, eating and laughing over food and drinks. The happy atmosphere only continues, until the games begin.

When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. — Cersei, Game of Thrones

When sports is involved, it is almost always that you have got to drink! It is also, coincidentally, the Japanese’s favourite drink. BEER!

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otsukare beer, toriaezu beer… Frankly though, we had really good craft beer! Kyujyukyuri Ocean Beer (Pale Ale) — fruity and goood.
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Now that we are fully equipped, we are ready for our first ever baseball game. #VIRGINS Ginger Ale and Beer, in front of the Marines fan board. So much love and positivity!!

Remember I was telling you about baseball and beer? I don’t think a typical Japanese can decide which their favourite is. Want to watch baseball but also need a refill of your beer?

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No worries. Girls carrying tanks of beer will be walking around, always ready to make sure your cup is full. *wink
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Mandatory shot: we managed to sneak in! Look at that sea of white opposite us!!! Are we in the correct spot? oopsie.
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Everyone is warming up! And the game begins. Marines (Chiba) vs Lions (Saitama), white vs red. Who’s going to win?

“It basically felt like National Day for me, because everyone was in red and white, singing and cheering. — YT”

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走れ!! (Marine player Pena’s cheer got our hearts. Hiphop!)

In baseball, there are 9 games. Each game, one team pitches and one team bats. The batting team has to get as many players back “home” as possible. Each player will earn a point if they return to home base.

Watching the game was really fun because I never knew there could be so much tactics going on.

I remember telling PH that I always admired people in team sports. It always seem like such a nice feeling to have, if you belong to a team. But that comes with hard work. The time and sweat spent on training together, helps people grow closer.

Sadly, I don’t have that passion or perseverance to do all that. And I cared too much about how I perform against others and how they see me.

I guess some people are better team players and some, just spectators.

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At the 7th game, they shot fireworks. The sky was still bright but still it was beautiful. Sadly, by then, we could tell which team was winning. There was almost no chance for the other team.

Results: The Lions won. *roar*

We also got to see a few home runs which was awesome. Time to end the day with some food. We said we weren’t hungry but let’s eat anyway. We make the worst choices, the 2 of us together…

One of our favourite cuisine is Spanish. Because of tapas, ahijo and sangria.

Sangria √
Ahijo with bread √ We usually go for mushrooms but this one came with meat balls. Still a good one but we still prefer azzurro520!

Bistro Zombies is known for its meat dishes. We ordered a meat platter. We will not reveal the price but just look at the pictures!!! (We were shocked as hell but it was worth it.)

You read it right. 260g black hair Japanese beef (sirloin) and 250g of black hair Japanese beef (inner thigh)

Don’t be shy. 510g of beef for 2. Take a closer look.




I liked the sirloin better as it was very well flavoured and has the sides crispy. The sides to this greasy, salty meat platter was sweet potatoes and potatoes. – YT

I liked everything. – PH

Life is good, people.

Published by Two Islanders

manila x singapore

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