It was Friday night, I knew that I would be okay.

PH and YT love melancholy songs. PH knows a lot of about music. Always in with the latest trends. YT is always a step behind.

The two islanders had a conversation about Sam Smith once and YT admitted she didn’t know who Sam Smith was, not even post-Writings-On-The-Wall. All YT said was,”why did they get that guy to sing for James Bond?”

That guy.

YT was living in a well.

Came a day in 2018 when PH found out about Sam Smith’s concert in Japan and the duo bought tickets right away. How can you miss an opportunity like this?

It was a Friday night we will never forget. 
Here we are in front of Saitama Super Arena, super excited and super happy!


We had good seats. Had enough room to sing and dance our hearts out.

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Sam Smith appeared on stage in a white suit (or was it blue?), singing One Last Song. An adorable man that he is, he said that he hope we’d have fun despite most of his songs being rather sad.

Isn’t he adorable?

While the #twoislanders are pretty liberal people, we are still a little affected by the fact that Sam Smith is a gay man.  I mean… there is no room for fantasizing regardless of how sexy he is. Perhaps, we’ll be bffs. Just like how he likes Fifth Harmony. #YTstalkedhimalloveryoutube

For the song “Him”, Sam Smith added an interlude, saying, “I wrote this song as a message to anybody listening to it that love is love. I am a proud gay man. And if you are proud of who you are tonight, Tokyo, let me see your hands!”

We love you, my man.

The crowd went nuts. We are very proud of you too 🙂 And the stage shot out rainbow-coloured beams as the song came to an end. It was amazing.

We loved the stage design – it was simple with a very tall structure shaped like an inverted V. Yet, the colours added to it depicted a different impression each time. Apart from the rainbow colours for “Him”, “Writings On The Wall” was of course, represented by gold. It was so majestic and grand.

Some of our favourites were “In The Lonely Hour” and “I’m Not The Only One”. Too sad. You make us cry, Sam Smith.

Towards the end of the concert, just as promised, the night came to life with a range of his fast-beat songs.

Sam, we’d love to sing Fifth Harmony with you! 

Till next time.

Published by Two Islanders

manila x singapore

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